Tips to Making Money - Urls - Linkbucks and

Fast sign up links:

Requirements: Some way to get people to visit your link.
Could be:

How it works:

In this method, I will tell you how to earn money with urls/links

First of all you have to sign up for some services that will put ADVERTISEMENTS on YOUR link.
This Ad will PAY YOU when some people visit your link.

I recommend you to sign up on these two websites:


How to do it:

Now when you have signed up, you will need a link, I will make an example with a link to this website.
Lets say your link look like this:
Now go to paste your link, click more options and make sure you choose "Interestial Advert"
This ad will make your visitor view an ad for 5 seconds before they get redirected to your link (the highest paying ad).
So you will get an ad like this:


Now here's a trick that will DOUBLE your earnings. You got your link
Now go to linkbucks click on create links, now convert your ADF.LY link.
In this case make sure you choose intermission.

Now you should have a LINKBUCKS url like this;
This link will after 5 seconds of viewing an ad, take you to your ADF.LY link
Which will make you view another ad for 5 seconds before it at last redirects you to your original link.

And this process will earn you some money!

How to spread your link:

Now here is the hardest part, you got your link ( in my case.
But now you need some visitors. 

There is A LOT of ways you could spread it, just be creative.
I will give you some easy examples here.

Make a Youtube video and tell them in description, that if they visit your link
They can watch a better version of that video, or download a super file, or visit your website etc.

Spread it on facebook, by making a link that redirects to a photo of justin bieber, or a popular video or something. Then post it on a fan pages/friends wall's/your wall or something.
Now facebook is a little tricky, as they are blocking, so you will have to shorten your link with so you end up with a link like this:

Use forums, put your link in your signature, or make a thread/post with your link.

Make a website, and make links that redirects to other pages on your website (like I do)
OR be creative and use your own way!